With the release on Xenoblade Chronicles earlier this summer
European gamers found themselves in an unfamiliar situation. Many Japanese games
over the years have been denied a PAL release whilst simultaneously being
localised for America (NTSC region). But now, with the release of Xenoblade,
the next-best-Japanese-RPG has not only been localised for our European Wii’s
but has simultaneously been denied to the American gaming public. Thus we find
ourselves either dutifully feeling America’s pain, or, more likely, guiltily
enjoying this rather peculiar turn of events. However, while we can for the
moment bask in this small victory (it we may call it that) there are still many
games which tragically slip through our fingers. Not least is a title which
appeared earlier this year in America, a unique and rather brilliant RPG called
Radiant Historia. Released for the Nintendo DS and developed by an in-house
team at ATLUS, Radiant Historia is one example of the many excellent Japanese
games which still miss our oft-ignored continent.