With the recent nonsense surrounding Mass Effect 3 and the
series' indomitable 'fans', my cynicism for big budget games has started to
reach dangerous levels. The blame for this rubbish without doubt falls across
the board as the self-righteous ME fan's
disillusionment is surely only encouraged by the growing incomprehensibility of
the games publishing industry. Crippling DRM and unashamedly flagrant DLC have naturally
worn down gamers and their response seems to have come in the form of
miscalculated rage, which is, I guess, understandable. But with all these
issues now clouding the general excitement and fantasy which game releases once
inspired, it's worth turning to smaller games which, not without grand
ambition, have managed to exist without all the marketing politics which now
plague the colossal budgeted 'AAA' games.
Here are four forthcoming games which are looking pretty inspiring: